STETSON, and I absolutely could NOT pull away. For example, I was playing on freshman, and I chose to play as Kansas at home vs. But the one and only thing that REALLY bothers me about this game, and it's a major thing, is the fact that it's nearly impossible to stop the computer from scoring, even on freshman level, no matter which teams you choose to play with. The menus seemed a little bit awkward for me to navigate through at times, but I'm getting used to it. Something any other basketball game has lacked, at least the ones I've played. The crowds are ravenous and they really get into the game and respond to what's going on. One thing I think they really nailed here is the atmosphere of the college game. Graphics are solid, although maybe not great as far as the players go, but the arenas look sweet. Something any other First off, let me say that this is the best basketball game that I have ever played to date. … Expandįirst off, let me say that this is the best basketball game that I have ever played to date. I don't mind playing in a hostile arena, or shooting free throws with a shaky screen but make my opponent beat me rather than having the computer take over and allow the home team to start making ridiculous defensive plays etc.

The only thing I don't like is that the home team gets too much of advantage.

The atmosphere in the arenas of the College Hoops game is enough to get your adrenaline flowing. I also have NBA 2k8 and I have only played it one time. The only thing I don't like is that the home team gets too much of I probably shouldn't give it a 10 b/c there is always room for improvement but this game has nailed the college experience like none other. I probably shouldn't give it a 10 b/c there is always room for improvement but this game has nailed the college experience like none other.