This patch maker for macOS High Sierra does NOT work on my Mac mini 2007, A1176, Core 2 Duo 1.83GHz, 4GB Ram. I did follow the instructions, I made the USB, then I restarted my Mac mini and I did hold the “Option” in order to boot with USB but when I click on the USB icon to boot, the system goes back to normal boot “Mac OS X Lion”. Is anyone running OS Sierra on an unsupported Mac? I have a mid 2009 13’ MacBook Pro that is running El Capitan. Yosemite Patcher Tool For Unsupported Macs Mac.Yosemite Patcher Tool For Unsupported Macs Operating System.Mac Os Yosemite Patcher Tool For Unsupported Macs.I upgraded the HD to an SSD several years ago.

Following download links are is in.Zip format to extract in to one file you have to use Winrar or any archiver you like,Also this download parts are tested on Winrar and 7 Zip and working flawlessly.Kindly note this is Latest version of Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.5. Mac os x lion inspirat theme for windows 7. Following Links are password Protected Download all parts first and copy all parts in the single folder. Macos osx graphics driver boot patcher dmg yosemite kext reboot patch maverick mountain-lion unsupported-macs os-x-hackers macos-extractor os-x-extractor Updated rmc-team / osx-patcher. This is the ultimate guide (in my opinion) on how to install Yosemite on an unsupported Mac. Mac Os El Capitan Patcher Tool For Unsupported Macsales In the video, I use a MacBook 4,1 but it will work with any unsupported Mac. The link itself gives the answer macOS Sierra Patcher Tool for Unsupported Macs Since it’s unsupported, it’s by definition, riskier than install Sierra on supported Macs. An unsupported Mac, your choice if you deem it capable or not. Download and install SFOTT from the link/mirror above. Download Yosemite either from a suspicious location or from the Mac App Store (try using Mavericks Download Enabler if on unsupported Mac).

The Mojave 10.14.1 update does NOT install properly on unsupported machines, and could result in an unbootable OS.