Choosing a lower buffer size will noticeably reduce your audible latency and make recording much better. It might be 128 or maybe even down to 32. If you have something like 1024 samples in the H/W Buffer Buffer Size drop down, then click on it and choose the lowest sample number available to you. To do this, simply navigate to the Setup menu and choose Playback Engine.

But one thing you can do in all Pro Tools systems is to reduce the Hardware Buffer Size. Some interfaces have a workaround for this on the actual unit itself (the Mbox 2 Mini for example uses the Mix knob to counteract this). The result…an annoying echo or delay effect that throws off your timing. What is latency you ask? It’s the time it takes for your audio to be converted to digital information (in your audio interface), run through your software, then turned back to an analog signal coming back out of your audio interface. If you are using Pro Tools to record for example (perhaps you’re sitting down to take the One Song One Month Challenge and you want to lay down your main guitar parts) then you want as little latency as possible. Let’s take a brief look today at tweaking the Playback Engine in order to get the most out of your computer while recording. Anytime you open up a Pro Tools session you need to ask yourself this question: Am I going to be recording, or editing/mixing? The answer to this question will determine how you adjust some crucial settings in the software to optimize your Pro Tools system.